Red Lion LEGEND User Manual

Page 23

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Presets 1 through 6 activate solid state

Outputs 1 through 6 respectively. Outputs 1
through 4 are assigned to the Count display and
outputs 5 and 6 can be assigned to either the
Count or Rate display, and the preset value will
automatically be assigned to the appropriate
display. A manual reset, will override a timed
output. If boundary or latched is selected for
the output mode, the time value will not appear
as an option.

O u t p u t 2 h a s t h e s a me p r o g r a mma b l e

options as Output 1, except the “OUT1 END”
s u b me n u w i l l b e “ O U T 2 E N D ” a n d t h e
options are: DISABLED, @OUT1, @OUT1
END. Outputs 3 through 6 have the same
options as output 1 except the Out End Mode
o p t i o n i s N O T a v a i l a b l e . T h e f o l l o w i n g
flowchart shows only the Outputs portion:


The positive (+) phase of an output indicates

that when the display value equals the preset
value, the output will turn on. When the output
is reset it will be turned off.

A minus ( ) phase mode refers to the

complementing of the logic state of the output.
When the display value equals the preset value,
the output will turn off. The reset condition of the
output is the on state. When an output is changed
to the other phase it will not take effect until a
manual reset or power down is performed.
