Vaisala vLog 4.4 User Manual
Page 110

headers, in reports 84, 89, 90
help (F1) 9
high security 20, 22
historical data reports 80–85
saving 91
horizontal lines 2, 71
adding automatically 72
adding manually 72
humidity sensor 44
inserting logger files 60
installation 12–13
intervals, in statistics 81
intervals, sample 34
lethality 81
levels of security, normal security 20, 22
line numbers 73, 76
lines, horizontal 71, 72
log time 27, 34
Logger File Creation Report 48, 51, 53, 55, 96
logger file ID 53, 55
logger files
inserting into graphs 16
clear mode 30
clearing 31
clearing samples 40
configuration 25
connecting to PC 16
connecting to PCs 17
daylight savings 96
description 26, 28, 54
disabling channels 35
linking to audit trail files 28
logger file filenames 46
logger file ID 55
models 5, 26
mounting 43
mounting tips 43
operation when full 33
recording data 34
recording time 99
sample intervals 34
sample timing 29
sampling 27
serial numbers 27
setup 25
status 27
transferring data 16, 49, 56
validation 16
ventilation 43
wrapping data 34
maximums 80, 81
mean kinetic temperature 81
minimum requirements 12
minimums 80, 81
models, loggers 5
clear mode 30
start 31, 32
stop 27, 31
stop mode 33
mounting data loggers 43
numbers, on graph lines 73
offset, temperature 40
offsets 81
administrator 22
security levels 22
passwords 2, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25
ports 16, 25
ports, COMM, setting 25
position cursor 63
graphs 76, 78
print preview 77
reports 91
probes 43
protocol documents 16
relative humidity 99
relative humidity sensor 44
removing cursors 63
adding statistics to 80
audit trail 22, 85–89
batch setup 89–90
column headings available 82
copying data to the clipboard 8, 90
font size in printed 82, 83, 84, 89
headers and footers 84, 89, 90
historical data 80–85
Logger File Creation 48, 51, 53, 55
printing 91
saving 91
statistics in 81