F - k, L - q, R - t – Vaisala vLog 4.4 User Manual

Page 105: F–k l–q r–t

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Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide






An acronym for the US Food and Drug Administration; this is a government
agency responsible for enforcing the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act


An acronym for Good Manufacturing Practices; these are the regulations
found in the CFR, parts 210 and 211

Graph file

A file that is created to display the data from one or more Logger files. Graph
files retain formatting information such as graph title, zoom levels, Y-axis scal-
ing and Logger file data and are identified by their .spg extension (for exam-
ple, LAB_1.spg)

Local time

A value equal to the current time used at a particular location. A relative indi-
cator of time meaningful only if Time Zone Information is also known, Local
Time contrasts with UTC Time, an absolute time reference. The software
records Local Time and UTC Time in each Logger file.

Logger file

A file that is created after transferring a logger’s data to the PC. The file con-
tains the collected readings (from all active channels) for the transferred log-
ger including the logger’s description, model number, serial number, firmware
version number, file description, Local time, and UTC (Universal Time Coordi-
nated) time. Logger files are identified by their .spl extension (for example,
PRIMARY_GAS_FLOW.spl). Logger files cannot be viewed directly—you
have to insert the Logger file into a Graph file before the data is displayed as
a graph


An acronym for the National Institute of Standards and Technology


Normal operating limits, specified by the lowest calibration point to the high-
est calibration point.

Relative humidity

Relative humidity is the measure of the amount of water vapor in the air com-
pared to how much it can possibly hold at that temperature. A relative humid-
ity of 50% means that the air contains only one-half as much water as it could
possibly hold. The capacity of air to hold water is heavily dependent on the
temperature of the air. The colder the air, the less water it can hold. Air at
50°F can hold only one-quarter the amount of water as air at 95°F


A measurement reading that is stored to data logger’s memory

Sample smoothing

A setting in vLog (Tools>Options>Insert tab - Sample smoothing) that con-
trols how the samples in a logger file are interpreted when they are inserted
into a graph. Sample smoothing (or sample deadband) is the minimum
change in the input signal required to cause a change in the displayed chan-
nel values. Sample smoothing is used to dampen the effects of noise, and is
defined in terms of raw analog-to-digital converter counts.