U - z – Vaisala vLog 4.4 User Manual

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Veriteq vLog 4.4 User’s Guide




An acronym for Universal Serial Bus, a standard for connecting external
devices such as a mouse, keyboard, scanner, printer. USB offers many ben-
efits over serial and parallel port connections, including thinner and cheaper
cables, greater expandability (with the addition of a USB hub, a single USB
port can handle over 100 peripheral devices) and greater speed.


An acronym for Universal Time Coordinated, UTC is a standard time com-
mon to every place in the world. Also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
and World Time; UTC is expressed using a 24-hour clock but can be con-
verted into a 12-hour clock (AM and PM). An absolute time reference that
does not rely on Time Zone information, UTC contrasts with Local time. UTC
and Local Time information is contained in Logger files and is used to form
the time base on logger graphs and data.


Capable of being validated. Three issues are essential before equipment can
be considered validatable:
• There must be documented evidence of performance verification available.

As an example of this requirement for documented evidence, a NIST –
traceable calibration certificate is provided with every Veriteq VL-Series
Data Logger

• The equipment must match the specific requirements of the application.

Each application may involve special accuracy, operating range, perform-
ance stability or other requirements that the product must meet

• The equipment must be capable of maintaining a validated state through-

out the application process. The product or its output cannot be manipu-
lated, changed or tampered with


Validation is the process of proving that something does what it is supposed
to do. The FDA’s definition is “establishing through documented evidence, a
high degree of assurance that a specific process consistently produces a
product that meets its predetermined specifications and quality characteris-


The status of an on-screen or printed graph file (.spg) that has been “verified”
by entry of the same password (using Tools>Verify) used when the file was
created (during logger transferring).
Note that the Verified status (Verified or Not Verified) does not appear in
vLog graphs if the optional password was not entered during the transferring
of the original logger data.
The default verification status of any Graph file that has used a transfer pass-
word is Not Verified.


Enlarging a portion of an on-screen graph