DAVIS Vantage Pro ISS Retrofit Kit User Manual
Components, Tools for setup, Overview of kit installation
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Vantage Pro® ISS Retrofit Kit
- This Instruction Sheet describes how to install the ISS Retrofit Kit for a Vantage Pro® or Vantat...
- Components
- Tools for Setup
- Overview of Kit Installation
- Remove the ISS from its Mounted Position
- Opening the Radiation Shield
- 3. Remove the three (3) bottom plates from the shield.
- 4. Set aside the two open (middle) plates.
- 5. Discard the bottom closed plate.
- 6. Disconnect the WIND sensor (anemometer) cable.
- 7. Cabled Stations Only: Disconnect the Console cable from the SIM.
- 8. You can now remove the ISS from it’s mounted position. Move it to a safe place to install the ...
- Dissassemble the ISS Radiation Shield
- Old SIM Connections and Screw Locations
- 3. The SIM transmitter board, dust cover, and small rear cover plate (not shown) are attached to ...
- 4. Make a note of the transmitter ID switch settings. You will use these settings in the new repl...
- 5. Remove the battery from the circuit board and set all ID code positions ON.
- 6. Save the battery as a back-up and set aside the SIM board for return to Davis.
- 7. Hammer the three (3) long radiation shield screws down into the base. The screws should move f...
- 8. Remove the rain collector cone.
- 9. Pull the top closed radiation shield plate off or use pliers to hold the push- nuts while you ...
- 10. Save the top closed radiation shield plate for later use.
- Install the Retrofit Kit Components
- Opening the SIM Housing Cover
- 3. Place the new SIM housing, radiation sensor plate and Temp/Hum sensor assembly on the work sur...
- 4. Place the two open plates on the Assembly, feeding the TEMP-HUM cable through the opening in t...
- 5. Place the top closed radiation shield plate that you saved during disassembly on top of the st...
- 6. Holding the rain collector base above the stack of plates, place the SOLAR PANEL cable, if pre...
- 7. Place the rain collector base down on top of the stack of plates.
- 8. Insert the 3 screws, with lock washers and flat washers, through the rain collector base and r...
- 9. Install the Rain Collector cone.
- Connect Cables and Power the New Sim
- 1. Turn the assembly upside-down(SIM housing on top) and open the SIM housing cover.
- 2. Plug in the TEMP-HUM sensor and the RAIN cable, and if present, plug in the solar panel power ...
- 3. Wireless Models Only: Install the battery. Be careful to observe the battery polarity markings...
- 4. Wireless Models Only: Set the transmitter ID code to match the settings used on the old SIM.
- 5. Close the SIM housing cover.
- Verify Communications - Wireless Models
- 1. If your console is in Setup Mode, you will need to exit Setup Mode to perform this test. You c...
- 2. Press and hold the TEMP key and then press TIME key on the console to display the Diagnostic S...
- 3. Press the 2nd key then press and hold the CLEAR key until all transmission diagnostic counters...
- 4. View the Percentage of Packets Received, #5 in the illustration below, to verify communication...
- 5. If you are not receiving data from the ISS, check that the battery was installed correctly and...
- 6. If you are successfully receiving data, press and hold the DONE key and then press the “-” (do...
- Mount the ISS
- 1. Mount the ISS in its previous location.
- 2. All Stations: Plug the WIND sensor cable into the SIM.
- 3. Cabled Stations Only: Plug the Console cable into the SIM.
- 4. Close the SIM housing cover.
- 5. At your Vantage Pro console: Press and hold the DONE key on the console to exit Setup Mode.
- 6. Cabled Models Only: Verify the reception of data from the ISS at your Vantage Pro console. If ...
- Return the Old SIM to Davis
- Troubleshooting