DAVIS Vantage Pro ISS Retrofit Kit User Manual
Components, Tools for setup, Overview of kit installation

Product # 6920, 6920C
Va n t a g e P r o
I S S R e t r o f i t K i t
E s t i m a t e d Ti m e R e q u i r e d : 3 0 M i n u t e s
This Instruction Sheet describes how to install the ISS Retrofit Kit for a Vantage
or Vantatge Pro Plus Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS).
The ISS Retrofit Kit includes the following components and hardware:
• New Sensor Interface Module (SIM) preinstalled in a SIM housing,
attached to a new bottom radiation shield plate along with a new sepa-
rate Temp/Hum sensor module
• Three long screws with nuts, flat washers, and lock washers
• One 3-volt CR-123A lithium battery
Tools for Setup
In addition to the kit, you will need the following tools:
• 7/16” (12mm) wrench or adjustable wrench
• Phillips screw driver
• Hammer
• Pliers
Overview of Kit Installation
Remove the ISS from its Mounted Position
Dissassemble the ISS Radiation Shield
Install the Retrofit Kit components
Connect Cables and Power the New SIM
Verify Communications - Wireless Models
Mount the ISS
Return the Old SIM to Davis
ISS2 RetroKit D011.fm Page 1 Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:02 PM
Document Outline
- Vantage Pro® ISS Retrofit Kit
- This Instruction Sheet describes how to install the ISS Retrofit Kit for a Vantage Pro® or Vantat...
- Components
- Tools for Setup
- Overview of Kit Installation
- Remove the ISS from its Mounted Position
- Opening the Radiation Shield
- 3. Remove the three (3) bottom plates from the shield.
- 4. Set aside the two open (middle) plates.
- 5. Discard the bottom closed plate.
- 6. Disconnect the WIND sensor (anemometer) cable.
- 7. Cabled Stations Only: Disconnect the Console cable from the SIM.
- 8. You can now remove the ISS from it’s mounted position. Move it to a safe place to install the ...
- Dissassemble the ISS Radiation Shield
- Old SIM Connections and Screw Locations
- 3. The SIM transmitter board, dust cover, and small rear cover plate (not shown) are attached to ...
- 4. Make a note of the transmitter ID switch settings. You will use these settings in the new repl...
- 5. Remove the battery from the circuit board and set all ID code positions ON.
- 6. Save the battery as a back-up and set aside the SIM board for return to Davis.
- 7. Hammer the three (3) long radiation shield screws down into the base. The screws should move f...
- 8. Remove the rain collector cone.
- 9. Pull the top closed radiation shield plate off or use pliers to hold the push- nuts while you ...
- 10. Save the top closed radiation shield plate for later use.
- Install the Retrofit Kit Components
- Opening the SIM Housing Cover
- 3. Place the new SIM housing, radiation sensor plate and Temp/Hum sensor assembly on the work sur...
- 4. Place the two open plates on the Assembly, feeding the TEMP-HUM cable through the opening in t...
- 5. Place the top closed radiation shield plate that you saved during disassembly on top of the st...
- 6. Holding the rain collector base above the stack of plates, place the SOLAR PANEL cable, if pre...
- 7. Place the rain collector base down on top of the stack of plates.
- 8. Insert the 3 screws, with lock washers and flat washers, through the rain collector base and r...
- 9. Install the Rain Collector cone.
- Connect Cables and Power the New Sim
- 1. Turn the assembly upside-down(SIM housing on top) and open the SIM housing cover.
- 2. Plug in the TEMP-HUM sensor and the RAIN cable, and if present, plug in the solar panel power ...
- 3. Wireless Models Only: Install the battery. Be careful to observe the battery polarity markings...
- 4. Wireless Models Only: Set the transmitter ID code to match the settings used on the old SIM.
- 5. Close the SIM housing cover.
- Verify Communications - Wireless Models
- 1. If your console is in Setup Mode, you will need to exit Setup Mode to perform this test. You c...
- 2. Press and hold the TEMP key and then press TIME key on the console to display the Diagnostic S...
- 3. Press the 2nd key then press and hold the CLEAR key until all transmission diagnostic counters...
- 4. View the Percentage of Packets Received, #5 in the illustration below, to verify communication...
- 5. If you are not receiving data from the ISS, check that the battery was installed correctly and...
- 6. If you are successfully receiving data, press and hold the DONE key and then press the “-” (do...
- Mount the ISS
- 1. Mount the ISS in its previous location.
- 2. All Stations: Plug the WIND sensor cable into the SIM.
- 3. Cabled Stations Only: Plug the Console cable into the SIM.
- 4. Close the SIM housing cover.
- 5. At your Vantage Pro console: Press and hold the DONE key on the console to exit Setup Mode.
- 6. Cabled Models Only: Verify the reception of data from the ISS at your Vantage Pro console. If ...
- Return the Old SIM to Davis
- Troubleshooting