3 scpi language, 1 scpi structure, 2 long and short form keywords – Boonton 9240 RF Voltmeter User Manual

Page 52: 3 subsystem numeric suffixes, 3 scpi language -2, 1 scpi structure -2, 2 long and short form keywords -2, 3 subsystem numeric suffixes -2, Boonton 9240 series rf voltmeter, Remote operation 5-2

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Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter

Additionally, the ASCII "DC2" character (hexadecimal 12/CTRL R) will cause the instrument to immediately transmit data
based on the current talk mode. Continuing the above example:

Terminal Sends

Model 9240 Response


Set the talk mode to send Floating Point Measurements.

R (CTRL R/hexadecimal 12)

Talk the error flag and the measurement in floating point notation.

Data returned: “0,-3.00” - indicating no error and the power is -3 dBm.

The rules for number and data strings are the same as for the IEEE-488 interface. Number formats are free form and data
strings are case insensitive.

5.3 SCPI Language

The 9240 Series instruments may be remotely controlled using commands that follow the industry-standard SCPI
programming conventions. The default language is:


All of the functions of the 9240 Series are accessible remotely via SCPI commands.

5.3.1 SCPI Structure

The SCPI instrument model defines a hierarchical command structure based on “command nodes”. Each node may contain
commands or names of a next-level command node. Each command is formed of a series of keywords joined together, and
delimited by a colon “:” character. The command begins with a colon at the “root node”, and traverses downwards through
the command tree to form a specific command. This structure is very similar to a DOS file system, where the file system
begins at the root level (“:”), and each directory (SCPI subsystem) may contain a list of files (SCPI commands) and lower-
level directories. To execute an individual command, the entire command name (“path”) must generally be speficied,
although there are several shortcuts available to reduce the command string length.

SCPI subsystems or command groups are usually aligned with instrument functions, and the standard provides a number of
pre-defined subsystems that can be used for most instrument types. For example, the top level SENSe subsystem groups
commands that are related to sensing signals (detection, amplification, digitization, linearization), while the OUTPut
subsystem contains commands that control output functions of the instrument such as voltage output or controlling an RF
reference output.

5.3.2 Long and Short Form Keywords

Each command or subsystem may be represented by either its full keyword, or a short form of that keyword. The short form
is typically the first several characters of the full name, although this is not necessarily the case. The short form of each
keyword is identified in this manual by the keyword characters shown in UPPERCASE, while the long form will be shown in
mixed case. For example, the short form of “CALCulate” is “calc”, while the long form is “calculate”. Long form and short
form commands may be used interchangeably, but only the exact forms are permitted – intermediate length commands will
not be recognized. Sending “CALCUL” will cause an error.

Note that not all keywords have long forms – in this case, the entire keyword will be shown in uppercase.

While uppercase and lowercase text is used to identify keywords, SCPI is generally case-insensitive, so it is acceptable to
send uppercase, lowercase or mixed case keywords to the instrument. The only exception is when a command accepts a
literal string argument. In this case, quotes may be used to delimit a string of user-defined case.

5.3.3 Subsystem Numeric Suffixes

Certain subsystems, such as the SENSe or CALCulate subsystems in the 9240 Series, often exist as more than one instance
(often called a “channel” in an instrument). In this case, an optional numeric suffix may be used to define the channel. If this

Remote Operation
