Boonton 9240 series rf voltmeter, Getting started 3-3 – Boonton 9240 RF Voltmeter User Manual
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Boonton 9240 Series RF Voltmeter
Table 3-1 Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections
Reference #
Front Rear Nomenclature
◄ and ► Keys
In entry mode, pressing ◄advances the cursor to the left. In the measurement
mode of operation pressing the ◄ key sets the Active channel to Linear
measurement units (Volts, %). In entry mode, pressing ►advances the cursor to
the right. In the measurement mode of operation pressing the ►key sets the
Active channel to Log measurement units (dBm, dBr).
▲ and ▼ Keys
Used for incrementing or decrementing numeric parameters, selecting from lists,
or scrolling through multi-line displays. In the measurement mode of operation
pressing the ▲ key moves the Active Channel cursor up on the display. For
example if the active channel is set to 2, pressing the ▲key will cause channel 1
to be the active channel. Pressing the ▼ key moves the Active Channel cursor
down on the display. If the active channel is set to 1, pressing the ▼ key will
cause channel 2 to be the active channel.
Enter Key
In entry mode, initiates the procedure to change a parameter. In parameter entry
mode, terminates the current command and changes the parameter to the last
displayed value. In the measurement mode, display the active channels
Power Switch
Turns the instrument off and on.