American Fibertek SM9p User Manual
Page 90
SNMP System Options interface
Community Strings
You can change the default community string that public and private attribute and define
two more set community string.
1. Community Name:
It uses for authenticating the manager to allow access the agent.
Type the name of community strings. The Public and Private Community string
cannot be changed the name.
2. Attribute: enable the access rights is read only or read/write or string removed.
Read only: Read only, enables requests accompanied by this string to display
MIB-object information.
Read/Write: Read write, enables requests accompanied by this string to display
MIB-object information and to set MIB objects.
String Removed: this community string is disabling.
See also other documents in the category American Fibertek Equipment:
- MR-81 (4 pages)
- MT-81 (4 pages)
- RR-81 (4 pages)
- MR-88 (4 pages)
- MT-88 (4 pages)
- MTX-81B (4 pages)
- RRX-81B (4 pages)
- MR-81SL (4 pages)
- MT-81SL (4 pages)
- RD-20D AFINETY (12 pages)
- DRBK-1 (4 pages)
- PSR-2 (4 pages)
- SR-20 R (7 pages)
- SR-20 (4 pages)
- SR-20D (4 pages)
- MTX-8406C (5 pages)
- MTX-8410C (8 pages)
- MTX-8410C-SL (8 pages)
- MTX-8423C (8 pages)
- MTX-8423C-SL (8 pages)
- MTX-8485C (12 pages)
- MTX-8485C-SL (12 pages)
- MTX-8489C (12 pages)
- MTX-8489C-SL (12 pages)
- MRT-880C-SL (4 pages)
- MRT-880C (4 pages)
- MRT-860SL (8 pages)
- MRT-860 (8 pages)
- RT-440C-SL (4 pages)
- RR-440C-SL (4 pages)
- MT-440C-SL (4 pages)
- MR-440C-SL (4 pages)
- MR-440C-E (4 pages)
- MT-440C-E (4 pages)
- RR-440C-E (4 pages)
- RT-440C-E (4 pages)
- MR-440C (4 pages)
- MT-440C (4 pages)
- RR-440C (4 pages)
- RT-440C (4 pages)
- MR-404C (4 pages)
- MT-404C (4 pages)
- RR-404C (4 pages)
- RT-404C (4 pages)
- MR-220C (4 pages)