HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 118

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Table 27 Journal Operation Window Details (continued)



If a master journal group or a restore journal group is
selected in the tree, the Journal Operation list shows a list

Journal Operation List

of mirrors. A mirror is a combination of a master journal
group and a restore journal group. One row in this list
represents one mirror (or one journal group).

If another journal group is selected in the tree, the upper
list displays information about the selected journal group.

If the remote command device is assigned to the mirror of
XP Continuous Access synchronous pair in 3DC multi-target
configuration, and the mirror ID is 00, all columns other
than mirror ID and remote command device are blank.

JNLG (LDKC): Indicates the number of a journal group
in the local storage system. The LDKC number is
enclosed in parentheses following the journal group
number (for example, 01,00). The journal group number
ending in [&], indicates the journal group is in a 2DC
configuration by using XP Continuous Access Journal
and XP Continuous Access Synchronous (for example,
01 (00) [&]).

Attribute: Indicates the attribute of a journal group in
the local storage system.

Status: Indicates the status of a journal group in the
local storage system.

Initial: A journal group in initial status. Journal

volumes are registered in this journal group, but no data
volumes (primary data volumes nor secondary data
volumes) are registered in this journal group. Creating
an XP Continuous Access Journal volume pair registers
data volumes in a journal group. The status of the
journal group changes to Active.

Active: Either of the following statuses:

◦ Initial copy is in progress. The primary data volume

and the secondary data volume are not

◦ Initial copy is finished. The primary data volume and

the secondary data volume are synchronized.

If a journal group is in Active status, some of the data
volume pairs in the journal group might be split. If this
happens, the word Warning appears. To restore such data
volume pairs, use the Pair Operation window. For details
on how to restore them, see

“Restoring a Pair of Data

Volumes (Pairresync)” (page 191)


HaltAccept: An operation for splitting the mirror has

been started. The status of the journal group will
immediately change to Halting. HaltAccept can indicate
the status of restore journal groups, but cannot indicate the
status of master journal groups.

Halting: An operation for splitting or deleting the mirror

is in progress. The primary data volume and the secondary
data volume are not synchronized. When you split a mirror,
the status will change in the following order: Halting, Halt,
Stopping, and finally Stop. Deleting a mirror changes the
status in the following order: Halting, Halt, Stopping, Stop,
and finally Initial.


Using the XP Continuous Access Journal GUI