3 plotting the data from the xcxclus datafiles – HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual

Page 65

background image


The node designator is on the upper left of the icon.


The left portion of the icon represents the Ethernet connection or connections.

In this illustration, two Ethernet connections are used. The data for eth0 is above the data for eth1.

As many as 4 Ethernet connections can be displayed.


The center portion of the icon displays core usage data for each CPU core in the node.

As many as 4 CPU cores can be displayed.


The right portion of the icon displays memory statistics.


The arrows at the top of the icon represent Interconnect activity.


The arrows at the bottom of the icon represent file I/O activity.


The values in the arrows are in terms of MB/s, not a percent of utilization, and rounded to

the nearest integer.

Pointing to the icon with the mouse pointer opens a balloon that displays the purpose of that portion of
the icon. This information is also represented in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

The xcxclus utility can generate a data file. The data for each monitored node is updated each second.
The clusplot utility uses this data to plot graphs of various node performance statistics. See

“Using the

xcxperf Utility to Display Node Performance” (page 66)


When you specify the -o option and a prefix, the xcxclus utility generates a data file for all allocated
nodes. The following example runs the xcxclus utility and stores the output in a file, named test.xclus:

$ /opt/xtools/bin/xcxclus -o test

The following describes the menu options at the top of the xcxclus display window:

Terminates the xcxclus utility.



Enables you to specify the utilization data in terms of cumulative or incremental



Opens a dialog box that enables you to set the refresh rate.


Enables you to display core utilization in terms of user or system statistics, or both.

CPU Info

Turns off the display of the color key at the bottom of the display.



Turns off the display of the utilization values in the node icons.

Utilization Values

Designates the full node name, instead of the node number, for each node.

Full Node Names

Enables you to show the xcxclus display at 50%, 75%, 100%, or 125% of its size.


Enables you to suspend the display until this button is released.


When you invoke the xcxclus utility, specifying the data file you previously generated, the xcxclus utility
plays back the graphical display of the performance metrics stored in the data file. The following plays
back the display from the previous example:

$ /opt/xtools/bin/xcxclus test

For additional information on this utility, see xcxclus(1).

7.3 Plotting the Data from the xcxclus Datafiles

The clusplot utility enables you to graph the data from the datafiles generated with the xcxclus utility.

Figure 7-3

is a representation of the output from the clusplot utility for the DB.n6.xcxclus data file.

This data file is created when the xcxclus utility is run with the -o DB option.

The following shows the invocation of the clusplot utility:

$ /opt/xtools/bin/clusplot DB

Node n6 is one of the nodes in the job allocation.

7.3 Plotting the Data from the xcxclus Datafiles