2 submitting a serial job through slurm only – HP XC System 3.x Software User Manual

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launched on LSF-HPC node allocation (compute nodes). LSF-HPC node allocation is created by -n

parameter, which specifies the number of cores the job requests.

The SLURM srun job launch command is only needed if the LSF-HPC JOB_STARTER script is not
configured for the intended queue, but it can be used regardless of whether or not the script is configured.
You can use the bqueues command to confirm whether or not the JOB_STARTER script exists; see bqueues(1)
for information on the bqueues command.

Example 5-1

invoking the bsub command after which a job can be entered from the standard input.

Example 5-1 Submitting a Job from the Standard Input


Example 5-2

shows the submission and launch of a serial interactive job and its output.

Example 5-2 Submitting a Serial Job Using LSF-HPC

$ bsub -I srun hostname

Job <20> is submitted to default queue .




Example 5-3

shows the submission of an interactive serial job without the SLURM srun command and

the job output.

Example 5-3 Submitting an Interactive Serial Job Using LSF-HPC only

$ bsub -I hostname

Job <73> is submitted to default queue .




Example 5-4

uses the LSF-SLURM External Scheduler to submit a job to run on four cores on two specific

compute nodes.

Example 5-4 Submitting an Interactive Serial Job Using LSF-HPC and the LSF-SLURM External Scheduler

$ bsub -I -n4 -ext "SLURM[nodelist=n[14,16]]" srun hostname

Job <9> is submitted to default queue .







5.2.2 Submitting a Serial Job Through SLURM Only

This section describes how to build a simple hello world application, called hw_hostname, execute it
on the login node, and launch it with the SLURM srun command.

The following is the C source code for this program; the file name is hw_hostname.c.



int main()


char name[100];

gethostname(name, sizeof(name));

printf("%s says Hello!\n", name);


Submitting Jobs