HP Jetdirect 280m 802.11b Wireless Print Server User Manual
Page 58

Network Basics
Once you have made this choice, the installer
proceeds with its tasks, asking you for the
information it needs at each point. If you chose "Auto-
configure . . ." it will ask only a few questions; if you
chose "Let me configure . . ." it will ask some detailed
questions about the setup of network addressing.
Printer drivers
At some point late in the installation, the installer
needs to have the printer driver to complete the
installation. So at that point the installer may ask you
where to find the driver. Knowing where to find the
driver is usually the trickiest part of the installation.
Technically speaking, what you need is a driver that
installs using a .INF information file (rather than
installing by running a .EXE file) There are several
alternatives for finding this driver and its .INF file:
In many cases this is the same driver that is
used for a direct (non-networked) printer
connection, and you can probably find the
driver on the CD that came with the printer.
(In fact, some printers come with the network
installer program on the printer CD. If your
printer is one of these, the simplest way to
install your network printer is to run the
installer from the printer CD instead of from
the HP Jetdirect CD, since the installer knows
where to find the driver on the printer CD. For
a list of these printers, click on this button:
If you want to make sure of having the latest
driver for your printer, you can download it
from the Web. If your printer is an HP printer
and you are running the installer in the
"Autoconfigure network settings for me" mode,
you can select the option to download a driver
automatically from the Internet. The installer
will search the HP support site for a driver for
your printer and, if it finds one, will
automatically download it and install it for you.
If you don't select the option to download a
driver automatically from the Internet, you can
download one manually before you run the
installer. The HP support site at
has current drivers for most HP printers.
You may be able to find the driver on your
operating system disc. If the operating system
is more recent than the printer, it probably
includes a driver for that printer.
file:///C|/Bottlecap_Structure_26--TestMerge/DOCS/EN/NETBASIC/FIP0020.HTM (3 of 4) [5/20/2003 3:45:36 PM]