Intended audience, Document organization, About this document – HP XC System 2.x Software User Manual
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About This Document
This manual provides information about using the features and functions of the HP XC
System Software and describes how the HP XC user and programming environments differ
from standard Linux® system environments. In addition, this manual focuses on building
and running applications in the HP XC environment and is intended to guide an application
developer to take maximum advantage of HP XC features and functions by providing an
understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the HP XC programming environment.
An HP XC system is integrated with several open source software components. Some open
source software components are being used for underlying technology, and their deployment
is transparent. Some open source software components require HP XC-specific user-level
documentation, and that kind of information is included in this document, if required.
HP relies on the documentation provided by the open source developers to supply the
information you need to use their product. For links to open source software documentation for
products that are integrated with your XC system, see Supplementary Information.
Documentation for third-party hardware and software components that are supported on the HP
XC system is supplied by the third-party vendor. However, information about the operation
of third-party software is included in this document if the functionality of the third-party
component differs from standard behavior when used in the XC environment. In this case, HP
XC documentation supersedes information supplied by the third-party vendor. For links to
related third-party Web sites, see Supplementary Information.
Standard Linux® administrative tasks or the functions provided by standard Linux tools
and commands are documented in commercially available Linux reference manuals and on
various Web sites. For more information about obtaining documentation for standard Linux
administrative tasks and associated topics, see the list of Web sites and additional publications
provided in Related Information.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for experienced Linux users who run applications developed by others,
and for experienced system or application developers who develop, build, and run application
code on an HP XC system.
This manual assumes that the user understands, and has experience with, multiprocessor systems
and the Message Passing Interface (MPI), and is familiar with HP XC architecture and concepts.
Document Organization
This document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the HP XC user, programming, and run-time
Chapter 2 describes how to perform common user tasks on the HP XC system.
Chapter 3 describes how to build and run applications on the HP XC system.
Chapter 4 describes how to debug applications on the HP XC system.
Chapter 5 describes how to better tune applications for the HP XC system.
Chapter 6 describes how to use SLURM on the HP XC system.
Chapter 7 describes how to use LSF® on the HP XC system.
Chapter 8 describes how to use HP-MPI on the HP XC system.
About This Document