Storeall rest api, Dual nature of rest api shares – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 170

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The seconds and nanoseconds of that time, in UNIX epoch time, which is the number of seconds
since the start of Jan 1, 1970 in UTC


The Linux mode/permission bits (a combination of the values shown by the Linux man 2 stat


Currently unused

*hash, content*,

To generate reports from the command line, use the ibrix_audit_reports command:

ibrix_audit_reports -t SORT_ORDER -f FILESYSTEM [-p PATH] [-b BEGIN_DATE]

[-e END_DATE] [-o class1[,class2,...]]

See the

HP IBRIX 9000 Storage CLI Reference Guide

for more information about this command,

including the events that can be specified for the report.

Managing audit reports

When you create or modify a file system, you can set the following audit report options to specify
when old reports are deleted:

Audit log reports expiration policy: whether reports should be deleted after a specific number
of days, weeks, months, or years, or should never be deleted.

Audit log reports expiration schedule: the time each day at which expired audit reports are

You can set also set these options for one or more file systems using the ibrix_audit_reports

Be sure to monitor the space used by audit reports, especially if you are retaining them for a long
period of time.


The StoreAll REST API provides programmatic access to user-stored files and their metadata. The
metadata is stored on the HP StoreAll Express Query database in the IBRIX cluster and provides
fast query access to metadata without scanning the file system.

The StoreAll REST API provides the ability to upload and download files, assign custom (user-defined)
metadata to files and directories, manage file retention settings, and query the system and custom
metadata of files and directories. You can associate any number of custom (user-defined) metadata
attributes to any file or directory stored on an IBRIX retention-enabled file system where the Express
Query metadata store is enabled. Each custom attribute consists of an attribute name and assigned
value. The API provides commands to create custom metadata entries for a file, replace values of
existing entries, and delete entries. The API extends the existing HTTP Shares feature that was
introduced in IBRIX version 6.0.

You can create HTTP-StoreAll REST API shares to access Express Query on the file system. See

“Process checklist for creating HTTP shares” (page 108)

for information on how to create a StoreAll


Dual nature of REST API shares

A REST API enabled HTTP share is a pair of HTTP shares managed as a set. IBRIX internally creates
the share name as specified by you and it makes it WebDAV-enabled. It also automatically creates
its peer share with the string “Ibrix” appended to the name, and this share is WebDAV disabled.
These properties cannot be changed. The two shares are internally managed as a set.

By default only the WebDAV-enabled share is exposed through the CLI. The GUI only displays the
WebDAV-enabled share. When listing StoreAll REST API-enabled shares through the CLI or GUI,


Express Query