Saving audit journal metadata, Importing metadata to a file system, Importing – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 165

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The options specify the following:



The metadata configuration file. Use only this path and file name.



The database containing the metadata. is the name of
the file system.


The CSV output file used to save the metadata.


The username for accessing the database. Use only the “ibrix”

--user ibrix

Use perl to invoke the script. For example:

perl /usr/local/ibrix/bin/ --database ibrixFS --user ibrix

--dbconfig /usr/local/Metabox/scripts/startup.xml --output


This command exports metadata from the ibrixFS file system and generates the output file

in the /home/mydir directory. The CSV file contains a row for every custom attribute,

such as:



This command must run as the “ibrix” user on the system, to interact with Express Query.

Therefore, the directory to contain the output file must be writable by the ibrix user, which is in the
“ibrix-user” group. Setting the output directory to world read, write, and execute permission, for
example, lets the file be written regardless of the directory’s owning user and group.

Saving audit journal metadata

The ibrix_audit_reports command saves audit data from Express Query on a specific file
system. The data is placed in a CSV file. The command has the following syntax:

ibrix_audit_reports -t SORT_ORDER-f FILESYSTEM [-p PATH] [-b BEGIN_DATE]

[-e END_DATE] [-o class1[,class2,...]]

For example:

ibrix_audit_reports -t unordered -o all -f ibrixFS

This command saves audit data for all events in file system ibrixFS. Use the “unordered” option
for the fastest performance. See the

HP IBRIX 9000 Storage CLI Reference Guide

for more

information about this command.

Importing metadata to a file system

Use the MDImport tool to import a CSV file containing custom or audit metadata into a new
Express Query database. The CSV file can be the output of either the MDExport script or the
ibrix_audit_reports command. The command has the following syntax:

MDImport -f -n -t

The options specify the following:



The file system to receive the import.


The name of the CSV file.


The type of metadata being imported (either audit or custom).


The following command imports custom metadata exported by the MDExport script:

MDimport –f newIbrixFs -t custom -n /home/mydir/save.csv

Managing the metadata service