HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 97

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-021
Command Summary
Changes the value of a AutoSYNC local parameter
Changes attributes of MapDB and the monitor.
Changes attributes of a monitor process.
Modifies configuration of scheduled synchronization by file
Modifies configuration of an AutoSYNC user.
Sets the AutoSYNC authorizing user ID.
Re-enables synchronization from specified systems
Creates a MapDB.
Creates SysDB.
Terminates and removes a scheduled synchronization for
specified BATCHIDs.
Terminates and removes scheduled synchronization for
specified file sets.
Terminates and removes a AutoSYNC user.
Blocks synchronization from specified systems.
Deletes a MapDB.
Displays current volume and other environmental settings.
Displays access control information.
Displays configuration of scheduled synchronizations for
specified BATCHID.
Displays the value of AutoSYNC global parameters.
Displays the value of AutoSYNC local parameters.
Displays map database information in the system database.
Displays configuration of scheduled synchronizations.
Displays configuration of AutoSYNC users.
Displays the status of sync processes that are running from
the current Autosync product subvolume.
Displays TCP/IP configuration
Displays OSS file information
Sets the current MapDB and monitor process.
Generates a report comparing source and destination file-set
Reset a global parameter to its default value.
Reset a local parameter to its default value.
Starts a monitor process.
Table 8-1. AutoSYNC Commands (continued)
Command Name