HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 161

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-021
Since the MapDB is a set of SQL tables, the volume on which it is created must be
TMF protected.
the subvolume where the MapDB tables are created.
the volume on which the MapDB table is to be created. If this format of the
command is used, the MapDB subvolume is ASYMAPDB.
BACKUP cpu-number
the CPU number (in the range of 0 to 15) of the backup monitor process.
the SQL catalog subvolume where the MapDB tables are to be registered. If
omitted, the tables are registered in the catalog where the SysDB tables are
HOMETERM file-name
the home terminal for the monitor process.
If omitted, the home terminal is set to the default EMS collector. The default EMS
collector is $0, or the EMS collector configured by setting the global parameter
Note that internally, the default hometerm of the monitor is $ZHOME, as displayed
by the TACL command STATUS $<process-name>, because an EMS collector
cannot be specified as the hometerm of a process when the process is launched.
CREATE MAPDB subvol [ , option... ];
CREATE MAPDB ON volume [ , option... ];
option is
{ BACKUP cpu-number
{ CATALOG SQL-catalog
{ HOMETERM file-name
{ MONITOR process-name
{ PRIMARY cpu-number
{ PRIORITY process-priority
{ SECURE “rwep”