B hp support pack dependencies, Rhel4 – HP Integrity Essentials Pack for Linux Software User Manual

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B HP Support Pack Dependencies

Some software products contained in the HP Support Pack have dependencies or prerequisites
that may or may not, already be available on your system. If there are dependencies that are not
delivered with the installer or with the Linux OS installation, an error message displays with
information on the missing software packages or files and the installation process is aborted.
You must then obtain and install the required packages or files from the Linux distribution media
before running the installer again.
The following sections provide information about dependencies for the HP Support Pack for
RHEL4, RHEL5, SLES10, and SLES11.


The following list provides information about software contained in RHEL4 and the related

hpacucli-8.40-xxx.ia64.rpm need below packages:
glibc prctl libunwind

hpima-3.14-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
bzip2-libs compat-libstdc++-296 e2fsprogs elfutils-libelf systemtap glibc openssl popt redhat-release rpm-libs
tcp_wrappers zlib

hpima-webapp-4.7-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:

hpmgmtbase-2.12-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
binutils glibc redhat-release

hpsmh-6.2.0-xxx.ia64.rpm need below packages:

hpsmh-tomcat-1.5-xxx.linux.ia64.rpm need below packages:

hpvm-4.1.0-xxx-rhel.ia64.rpm need below packages:

hpvmprovider-4.1.0-xxx-rhel.ia64.rpm need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ tog-pegasus

hpwbem-3.3.8-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ popt tog-pegasus

hpwbem-base-server-3.3.8-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ popt tog-pegasus

hpwbem-firmwarelogs-3.3.8-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ tog-pegasus

hpwbem-legacy-3.3.8-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
ethtool glibc libgcc libstdc++ rpm-libs sysfsutils tog-pegasus need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ tog-pegasus need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ tog-pegasus need below packages:

hp-utilprovider-01.07-xxx.rhel4.ia64.rpm need below packages:
glibc libgcc libstdc++ tog-pegasus

mptsas_cfggen-2.0.30-xxx.ia64.rpm need below packages:

net-snmp-5.1.2-xxx.EL4.7hp.ia64.rpm need below packages:
beecrypt bzip2-libs chkconfig elfutils-libelf systemtap glibc libselinux openssl popt rpm-libs tcp_wrappers

net-snmp-perl-5.1.2-xxx.EL4.7hp.ia64.rpm need below packages:
bzip2-libs elfutils-libelf systemtap glibc openssl perl popt rpm-libs tcp_wrappers zlib

net-snmp-utils-5.1.2-xxx.EL4.7hp.ia64.rpm need below packages:
elfutils-libelf systemtap glibc openssl perl

net-snmp-devel-5.1.2-xxx.EL4.7hp.ia64.rpm need below packages:
beecrypt-devel elfutils-devel rpm-libs rpm-devel

net-snmp-libs-5.1.2-xxx.EL4.7hp.ia64.rpm need below packages:



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