HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 56
In the Remote Storage System box, for Model, select the secondary storage system model and
For Serial Number, enter one of the following secondary system serial numbers.
- XP7: 1 to 99999 (5 digits)
- P9500 or XP24000/XP20000 Disk Array: 1 to 99999 (5 digits)
- HUS VM: 200001 to 265535 (6 digits)
With XP7 when using virtual storage machine volumes, make sure to specify the
XP7's physical serial number. A virtual storage machine's serial number cannot be specified.
For Path Group ID, select the ID for the path group you want to use.
For Minimum Number of Paths, select the lowest number of paths between the remote and
primary system that you want your Cnt Ac-J system to operate with. If the number drops below
this setting, the primary system will split the pair.
The maximum is 8; the default is 1.
Select the primary and secondary fibre channel ports used by the data path.
You can add more remote paths by clicking the Add Path button. See
for more information.
10. For RIO MIH Time, enter the time interval in seconds that, if exceeded, will cause the data
transfer operation to be reported as failed by the system. Valid values range from 10 seconds
to 100 seconds, and the default is 15 seconds.
RIO MIH means “remote I/O missing interrupt handler”.
The recommended RIO MIH setting for a 3DC cascade configuration is 20 seconds.
11. Click Finish.
12. In the Confirm window, review the settings and enter a task name in the Task Name box.
13. Click Apply to save your settings to the system.
Cnt Ac-J configuration operations