HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 16

Table 1 General system requirements (continued)
Continuous Access Journal
Must be installed on primary and secondary XP7 systems.
License keys required.
Cnt Ac-J and Cnt Ac-J Z can coexist in the same storage system.
For licensing capacity requirements when Cnt Ac-J volumes are shared with
other XP7 software volumes, see
“Thin Provisioning ” (page 120)
For information on expired licenses or exceeding licensed capacity, see the HP
XP7 Remote Web Console User Guide.
Other licenses required
Continuous Access Synchronous is required, whether or not Cnt Ac-S volumes
are shared with Cnt Ac-J.
Disaster Recovery Extended. Used for 3DC configurations and Cnt Ac-J
operations in multiple primary and secondary storage systems.
Dynamic Provisioning. DP-VOLs are required for journal volumes.
Remote Web Console:
Must be LAN-attached to the primary system.
Not required on the secondary system, but recommended in order to change
Cnt Ac-J parameters and access the S-VOL for disaster recovery and
The following roles are required:
Storage Administrator (Remote Copy), to perform pair operations
Storage Administrator (System Resource Management), to configure settings
RAID Manager:
Command device required
When using virtual storage machine volumes, specify XP7 LDEV ID, serial
number, and virtual information in the configuration definition file.
For supported OS versions, see the HP SPOCK website:
for the latest information.
Supported host platforms
Fibre channel with either direct and switch connections.
Data path
When both systems are XP7, you can use multiple path groups. This is done by
registering path groups with multiple path group IDs in the same storage system.
But note that only one path group can be specified for a mirror. Up to eight paths
can be registered in one path group.
Groups of remote paths, which allows you to configure or change the configuration
of multiple paths at the same time.
Path group
A maximum of eight remote paths can be registered in a path group
A maximum of 64 path groups can be set in a storage system.
The range of values for the path group ID is 0-255.
For a mirror, the same path group ID must be used to connect the primary
storage system to the secondary system as is used to connect the systems in the
reverse direction.
The path group is specified during the create pair operation. It cannot be
changed by resynchronization or the swap operation.
Path groups can be created and specified using RAID Manager. See
configuration setting commands in HP XP7 RAID Manager User Guide and
Requirements and specifications