Journal volumes window – HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 142
ECXTG attributes, which can be:
Master: Primary system EXCTG
Restore: Secondary system EXCTG
Initializing: Initialization is in progress.
Free: No journal is registered in the EXCTG.
Updating: Registering journals is in process.
Number of storage systems registered in the EXCTG.
Number of Storage
Number of journals registered in the EXCTG.
Number of Journals
EXCTG's mirror identifier.
Assigned Mirror ID
Journal Volumes window
Use this window to view detailed information about individual journals, including the mirrors and
journal volumes assigned to it.
Summary section
Journal identifier.
Journal ID
Journal copy type, Cnt Ac-J or Cnt Ac-J Z. If the pair is part of a 2DC cascade configuration,
“2DC cascade” displays.
Journal Type
Whether the journal is Master, Restore, or Initial (registered but no pair volumes assigned).
Number of journal volumes registered in the journal.
Number of Journal
Total capacity of registered journal volumes.
Journal Capacity
Number of volumes associated with the journal. If the journal uses multiple mirror IDs, volumes
in mirrors with Hold, Holding, or Hold(Failure) status are not included.
Number of Data
Total capacity of all the associated volumes. If the journal uses multiple mirror IDs, the capacity
of volumes in mirrors with Hold, Holding, or Hold(Failure) status is not included.
Data Capacity
MP blade identifier
MP Blade ID
Whether flow of update data to the journal volume is restricted by slowing the response to hosts.
Inflow Control
Number of seconds the system will monitor write data to the journal volume when the journal
volume is full (100%). A hyphen (-) displays if Inflow Control is disabled.
Data Overflow
Whether journal data is stored in cache memory on the remote side (restore journal).
Cache Mode
Cnt Ac-J Z only.
Timer Type
Type of clock used for consistency time. Must be the same for primary and secondary systems.
Cnt Ac-J GUI reference