HP LaserJet M9040M9050 Multifunction Printer series User Manual

Page 282

background image


AppleTalk settings 29
configuring 74
configuring gateway

addresses 134

default gateway 75
diagnostics 29
disabling DLC/LLC 77
disabling protocols 76
DLC/LLC settings 29
HP Web Jetadmin 159
IP address 74
IPX/SPX settings 28
link speed settings 32
Macintosh installation 61, 62
Macintosh settings 64
print servers included 2
protocol configuration page,

printing 33

security 29
SMTP servers 134
subnet mask 75
TCP/IP parameters 74
TCP/IP settings 26
testing SMTP settings 135
troubleshooting printing 234
validating gateway

addresses 233

noise specifications 252
number of copies

default settings 18


online help, control panel 14
online support 246
operating environment

specifications 180, 252

operating systems supported 48,



supplies and accessories 240
supplies through embedded

Web server 154


setting, Windows 101

output bin

selecting, Windows 101

output quality

copy, improving 229

copy, problem-solving 229
settings 42


page order, changing 102
pages per sheet

Windows 101


A4 settings 40
covers, using different

paper 100

curled 224, 230
custom size, selecting 100
custom sizes 83
custom-size, Macintosh

settings 66

default size, selecting 22
first and last pages, using

different paper 100

first page 66
fuser modes 42
pages per sheet 67
problem-solving 217, 230
size, selecting 100
skewed 223
supported sizes 81
type, selecting 100
wrinkled 224

paper path

cleaning 170

pausing a print request 109
PCL drivers

default settings 40
universal 50

PDF error pages 40
Perform Printer Maintenance

message 181

personal jobs 114

default settings 40

phone line, connecting fax

accessory 146


copying 128
loading 137

physical specifications 250
PINs, personal jobs 114
portrait orientation

setting, Windows 101



Macintosh 237


troubleshooting 190

power specifications 251
presets (Macintosh) 66
print cartridge

authentication 179
checking toner levels 180
genuine HP 179
life expectancy 180
managing 179
non-HP 179
storing 179

print cartridges

Macintosh status 69
management menu 25
ordering through embedded

Web server 154

recycling 256
warranty 245

print jobs

default settings 22

print media

supported 81

print on both sides

Windows 101

print quality

blurred 226
dropouts 219
environment 217
gray background 220
jams, after 217
light print 218
lines 220
loose toner 221
media 217
misformed characters 223
repeating defects 222
repetitive images 227
scattered lines 226
smeared toner 221
specks 219
tire tracks 225
troubleshooting 217
white lines 225
white spots 225

Print Quality menu, control

panel 42

268 Index