HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

Page 88

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Guardian Performance Analyzer (GPA) User Guide

– (544541-006) Page 88 of 131

PCB COUNT : 86 89 41 48

CPU Count: 4 Avg CPU Busy (^): 36.2 Tuning Window (w): 8

PCB Count: 264 Node SWAP Rate : 2.36 VOLUME Count : 9
M - Severe Memory Shortage m - Mild Memory Shortage
P - Severe Transient Processing p - Mild Transient Processing
B - Severe Transients/Memory Shortage b - Mild Transients/Mem. Shortage
Q - Moderate Memory Shortage R - Moderate Transient Processing
! - Processor MISSING From Measurement S - Moderate Transients/Mem. Short

From Example 4-13 you can see that on \NODEB, the least utilized processor, CPU 3, is

out of balance. Since the percentage busy times for the other three processors fall
within the target utilization for the system (discussed later in this section), GPA
considers these processors to be in balance.

The next chart in this section of the report identifies each of the processors on the node

with respect to number and type. In addition, the chart shows explicitly how the values
for a number of performance parameters are distributed among each of the
processors. It thus indicates which are the problem processors on the node. Here you
can also see more precisely than in the Processor Load Balance Chart what the
percentage busy time is for each processor.

The Processor Performance Chart also shows how many disk processes (DISK PRIME)

are primaried on each CPU. Notice in our examples how unevenly the primary disk
processes are distributed among the CPUs, which accounts partly for the load
imbalance condition on these nodes. (One GPA function is to determine how such an
imbalance could be corrected by redistributing the disk processes among the CPUs.)
Note that for \NODEC (Example 4-19), the imbalance is severe enough that GPA
makes a recommendation for prim

ary disk process changes and generates “After

Primary Changes” sections in its standard report.

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