Standard report sections – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 24

Guardian Performance Analyzer (GPA) User Guide
– (544541-006) Page 24 of 131
Standard Report Sections
The GPA standard report provides performance analysis data and evaluations for the
system under study. The report consists of the following major sections:
System Performance Summary: A concise presentation of system performance
data and evaluation of overall system health.
Process and Busy Distribution Analyses: A concise presentation of the number,
location, and CPU utilization of processes within the system.
Processor Load Balance and Performance Charts: A detailed performance
analysis for each CPU in the system.
Disk Volume Performance Analysis: A detailed performance analysis for each
volume on the system.
Cache Performance Analysis: A detailed volume-by-volume cache performance
Disk Subprocess Analysis and Recommendations: A detailed analysis of the
number and activity of each logical volume‟s disk subprocesses.
Processor/Disk Configuration Diagram: A combination of physical and
performance data laid out to represent the system hardware configuration.
IPC Traffic Analysis: A detailed performance analysis for each CPU in the system.
“After Primary Changes” Sections: If GPA recommends moving primary disk
processes, these sections are output by GPA. They predict the performance of the
system after the moves.
Process Move Recommendations: A list of process moves aimed at leveling CPU
utilizations or memory demands.
Estimated System Performance After Tuning: A prediction of how the system
would perform after implementation of the GPA tuning recommendations.
GPA Analysis Statements: A set of text statements detailing GPA findings and