HP xw4400 Workstation User Manual

Page 132

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HP Remote Graphics 4.2.0 User's Guide


With ALSA working, users can validate JACK by performing the following

1. Ensure that the ALSA device is properly configured and can be heard

through the desired port, i.e., headphone jack, speaker, etc.

2. Determine that no other jackd process is running:

3. ps -ef | grep jackd

The following steps connect a simple beeping client to a JACK sound server

4. jackd -d alsa hw:0 & # start jackd

5. jack_metro -b 120 & # audio client

6. jack_lsp -c

# display connections

7. jack_connect "metro:120_bpm" \ "alsa_pcm:playback_1"


: jack_lsp may suggest an alternate PCM playback channel based

on your hardware - use that for the jack_connect command

Other JACK tutorial ideas can be found at:


Cannot connect to running jackd process on Lunux Receiver:

You may not own the executing sound server process (i.e., your user Ids
(UID) may not match). Currently JACK systems only support client-server
combinations where the UIDs match. If UIDs do not match, you will often see
a client connection failure message:

jack server not running?

Troubleshooting Remote USB

HP Remote Graphics Software supports a Remote USB capability. This allows a user
to connect any number of USB devices to a local RGS Receiver system and have the
devices appear connected to the RGS Sender system.

Currently only a single Sender can receive the Remote USB device connections. If
you have problems connecting a Remote USB device, the following checklist may
help to identify the problem:


HP Blade Workstations Only:

Remote USB is only supported on an HP Blade Workstation Client receiver
system connected to a HP Blade Workstation sender system. In addition, the
Sender and Receiver versions must match. See the USB Remote
Requirements section for further details.


HP Remote Virtual USB Driver:

Verify that the HP Remote Virtual USB driver is installed and active on the HP
Remote Graphics sender system. Open the Windows XP Device Manager and