Wildcard characters supported in queries, Data types and ranges, Result set of multi-criteria batch queries – HP Intelligent Management Center Licenses User Manual

Page 31: Error codes

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Prohibited or unauthorized operation of the user: 403 (Forbidden).

iMC server error: 500 (Internal Server Error). Check whether or not the iMC server works
normally (for example, whether or not the web page can be normally accessed), or contact
the technical support.

Wildcard characters supported in queries

In multi-criteria queries, some string-type criteria support wildcard characters asterisk (*) and
question mark (?), the former matching zero or more characters and the latter matching a single
character. A query without any wildcard character specified returns an exact match.

Data types and ranges

iMC-RS supports the following data types:

Integer (int): Ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647 (0x80000000 to 0x7fffffff in
hexadecimal notation).

Long integer (long): Ranges from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
(0x8000000000000000 to 0x7fffffffffffffff in hexadecimal notation)

Floating point (float): Ranges from 1.4E-45 to 3.4028235E38

Double precision (double): Ranges from 4.9E-324 to 1.7976931348623157E308.

Result set of multi-criteria batch queries

Multi-criteria batch queries (or lists) support the start size. A query returns ten records by default,
and can return up to 1000 records.

The returned result is included within .... In addition to the result list of the current
operation, previous and next resource URIs are also presented as atom:link elements in "Previous
( rel=”previous” href=”...”/>)” and “Next ( rel=”previous” href=”...”/>)” format.

The resource URI of each entity in the result set is represented in rel=”self” href=”...”/>

If the total parameter is used, then the returned message body is empty, and the Total attribute of
the message header returns the number of records that meet the requirements.

Error Codes

If an HTTP response message gives the 409 (Conflict) status code, the Error-Code and Error Message
attributes in the message header show the iMC error code and error description. For example:

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Error-Code: 4
Error-Message: Database access error.

Table 1

shows all error codes and their descriptions that you might encounter in iMC-RS.

Table 1 Error codes and descriptions

Query Parameters

Operation timeout.
The server performance may be insufficient. Please check the data later to see if the operation succeeds.


Database error.
Please check the database status.


Database error.


Failed to access the device.


Error Codes