Bleed ports – Alicat LC Series Liquid Flow Controller User Manual
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Alicat Scientific L and LC-Series flow meters and controllers are equipped
with bleed ports on the front to aid in the removal of air bubbles from the
differential pressure sensor ports. The bleed ports consist of a threaded hole
with an 8-32 nylon tipped screw. After installation or anytime it is suspected
that air may be trapped in the sensor ports, bleed the ports as follows:
A small amount of water will leak from the device during this
procedure. Take necessary precautions to prevent the leaking water
from damaging anything around the unit, taking special care to avoid
any live electrical devices or lines.
1. With the meter/controller installed and line pressure applied, gently loosen
the upstream bleed port screw 1-2 turns or until water begins to leak from
the threads. DO NOT REMOVE THE SCREW as the port is subject to line
pressures and injury, equipment damage or loss of required parts may result!
2. Gently tap the flow body (a wooden or plastic screwdriver handle works
well for this) to encourage air bubbles to exit the port.
3. Any air in the port will generally be removed as the water leaks out even
though you may not see or hear it.
4. Gently tighten the screw until the leakage stops, taking care not to crush
the nylon tip.
Repeat steps 1-4 with the second bleed port.
If your device is mounted in an inverted position avoid using the
bleed screws as water may leak into the electronics housing causing
permanent damage that is not covered under warranty!
8-32 Nylon Tipped Bleed Screw
5/64 Hex Loosen to Bleed