Fault finding, Fault finding - hardware – KROHNE BM 90 EN User Manual

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5. Fault Finding


Fault finding - Hardware

A) The display is blank or frozen, the l.e.d’s are unlit

and the neon does not fire:

1. Ensure that power is being supplied to the board, and

that it is correctly wired. Refer to figure 6, on Page 9.

2. Check fuses.

3. Check that the supply voltage is within specified levels

(See Section 2 Page 10). A large voltage drop can cause

the unit to lock to show last distance or level


B) The fuse blows continuously:

* In this case the system is drawing excessive current.

1. Power down and fit a new fuse - refer to Page 10

Disconnect all cabling from the unit except for the power

lead. If the fuse does not blow on power up, there is a

fault in the external wiring.

2. Check that the power supply is within specified limits -

refer to Page 10.

3. Check the enclosure for metal debris which may be

under the lower PCB.

C) The system powers up, but displays ’8888’:

* In this case a connection in the PCB is giving a continu-

ous or intermittent fault.

1. Check; with power off, that an Eprom is fitted at U7

and that the chip has not vibrated free from its socket.

D) The display shows ’LOSt’:

* In this case the instrument is not reciving a good signal

grom the transducer.

1.Check the transducer wiring and connections to the

instrument. Note that different connections are used if a

temperature compensated transducer is connected. See

Figure 6, Page 9.

2. Check whether the neon light adjacent to terminal 22

is flashing. If it is proceed to number 3, if it is not then :

a: Disconnect the transducer: If the neon now

lights then there is a short circuit in the cabling.

b: If the neon does not light the transmission fuse

may have blown. Check F1 and F2 T80mA fuses on the

bottom PCB.

c: If the unit still shows ’LOSt’ check that you can

hear the transducer "clicking" when close to the ear.

d: If the transducer cable has been extended, dis-

connect and remove the transducer and connect it direct

to the Liquiflex. If the unit now operates, recheck the

extension cable connections and routing, avoiding power

cables. Re-instal the transducer checking that its aim is

perpendicular to the target surface.

e: If the transducer does not click proceed to 5.

3. Is there a target within the empty distance specified in


This is particularly important if temperature variations are

experienced and no compensation is applied.

4. Is the vessel empty with a conical, parabolic, sloping

or spherical bottom?

This commonly causes loss of echo if the transducer

cannot be mounted over the centre of the vessel. When

the vessel becomes empty the pulse from the transducer

hits the sloping sides of the bottom section and the signal

is not reflected back to the transducer. Under this condi-

tion the display will indicate ’LOSt’ but the failsafe desig-

nation will operate until product returns and the system

will automatically recover and track level. If the transduc-

er cannot be mounted centrally, the problem may be

overcome by the installation of a target plate.

5. Connect a known good transducer to the instrument

and check the operation.

If the known transducer gives a good signal check the

instruments gain by pressing the ’TEST’ key. The number

displayed ranges from 1 - 100 and the lower the number

the better the signal strength.

If the gain figure is 50 - 100 check the surface level for

foam or other materials which may float in and out of the

beam and cause poor echoes.

6. Check that the ST6 eprom is seated correctly at U6 on

the bottom PCB


The keypad fails to respond:

1. Check for correct alignment of connection from keypad

to main board.

2. Check that key press sequence is valid; refer to

Programming Section.

3. Power down unit and wait 5 seconds. Power up and

immediately press ’MODE’. This should result in ’PROG’

being displayed. It is now advisable to reset to factory

parameters; refer to Programming Section 3.

F) Analogue Output is Unstable:

1. Connect a test meter in series with your external


Can the fault be seen on the test meter? If YES, then

use Pr.34 to enter a stable value into the current loop.

Suitable values range from 4 to 20.

If the output is still unstable disconnect external wiring