13 system subsystem, 4 program message structure, 1 keyword – KEPCO ABC-DM SERIES User Manual
Page 52: System subsystem -20, Program message structure -20, Keyword -20

This subsystem controls the RS 232 port, as well as system errors, passwords, security, lan-
guage, beep, version and keyboard lockout
SCPI program messages (commands from controller to power supply) consist of one or more
message units ending in a message terminator. The message terminator is not part of the syntax; it
is defined by the way your programming language indicates the end of a line (“newline” charac-
ter). Sending a character with EOL line asserted is another way of sending a message termina-
tor. The message unit is a keyword consisting of a single command or query word followed by a
message terminator (e.g., CURR?
include a data parameter after the keyword separated by a space; the parameter is usually
numeric (e.g., CURR 5
3-4 illustrates the message structure, showing how message units are combined. The following
subparagraphs explain each component of the message structure.
NOTE: An alternative to using the message structure for multiple messages defined in the fol-
lowing paragraphs is to send each command as a separate line. In this case each
command must use the full syntax shown in Appendix B.
Keywords are instructions recognized by a decoder within the ABC, referred to as a “parser.”
Each keyword describes a command function; all keywords used by the ABC are listed in Figure
Each keyword has a long form and a short form. For the long form the word is spelled out com-
pletely (e.g. STATUS, OUTPUT, VOLTAGE, and TRIGGER are long form keywords). For the
short form only the first three or four letters of the long form are used (e.g., STAT, VOLT, OUTP,
and TRIG). The rules governing short form keywords are presented in Table 3-7.
You must use the rules above when using keywords. Using an arbitrary short form such as
ENABL for ENAB (ENABLE) or IMME for IMM (IMMEDIATE) will result in an error. Regardless
of which form chosen, you must include all the letters required by that form.
To identify the short form and long form in this manual, keywords are written in upper case let-
ters to represent the short form, followed by lower case letters indicating the long form (e.g.,
IMMediate, EVENt, and OUTPut). The parser, however, is not sensitive to case (e.g., outp,
OutP, OUTPUt, ouTPut, or OUTp are all valid).