Caution – HT instruments VEGA78 User Manual
Page 54

EN - 52
Press F4 key (alternatively touch MODIFYat display) for setting the below voltage
anomalies parameters:
Reference nominal voltage Vref depending on the type of considered system. In
particular Vref = VP-N (Single phase and three phase 4-wire systems), Vref = VP-P
(three phase 3-wire and ARON systems).
The higher threshold percentage of reference nominal voltage, selectable from 1% to
30% for voltage swell detection.
The lower threshold percentage of reference nominal voltage, selectable from 1% to
30% for voltage sags or breaks detection.
12/09/2006 – 16:55:10
+ General Parameters
Voltage Anom.: 230V 6%-10%
Voltage Anom.:
6% 10%
Fig. 100: Voltage Anomalies screen - setting control parameters
1. Move the cursor using arrows keys on field relative to “Voltage Anom.” , marked it with
blue background.
2. Use up or down arrow keys or press F3 or F4 keys (alternatively touch the MOD(+) or
MOD(-) s at display) to setting the correspondent value. Pressing and holding of these
keys permits a rapid values setting, while the single pressure increase or decrease on
only unit the value. Use left or right arrow keys to move on various fields.
3. Press SAVE or ENTER keys (or the smart icon
) to save each performed setting.
The nominal reference value should be set depending on the type of
considered system on test and the measured voltage. A message “Wrong
Vref voltage anomalies” at the recording start is shown by meter which do
not permits the recording operation due to this wrong configuration (e.g.: 4-
wire system and Vref = 400V). Set the correct value in this case.
5.4.8. Unbalance
The selection of this option include on selected parameters list for recording the value of
NEG% and ZERO% s which are index of unbalance of input voltage signal respective to
negative tern and zero term (see § 10.3). “Unbalance” is not shown for single phase