Serial port settings, Connect/disconnect to fire panel – Fire-Lite PS-Tools MS-9050 User Manual
Page 83
PS-Tools User Guide
50 Pt Addr Panel
Serial Port Settings
To view the serial port settings
Using the Find option, select the customer for whom the connection settings needs to be
Choose Upload/Download > Connection Settings in the initial customer screen in PS-Tools.
The Connection Settings dialog box appears.
In Communication Mode list, select Serial. The information to view/modify the serial port
settings appears in the Connection Settings dialog box.
Under Serial Port, select the port to connect to the computer from the Port list. The details of
the attached serial port (if any) are displayed in Communication Log.
If you select COM1, then the following fields are set to default values under serial port:
Baud Rate is set to 19200
Parity is set as Even
Data Bits is set to 7
Stop bits is set to 1
Click Clear Display to clear the displayed data if there are multiple lines of data to scroll
through the Communication Log.
Click Close to close the Connection Settings dialog box.
Connect/Disconnect to Fire Panel
The fire panel can be connected through serial port and modem.
To connect to the fire panel