LumaSense Technologies INNOVA 1309 User Manual

Page 8

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Chapter 1



1309 Multipoint Sampler

LumaSense Technologies A/S

Page 8 of 42

1.2 Front Panel

Fig.1.2 The front panel of the 1309


12 mounting stubs for connection of tubing to sampling

points. Each stub is numbered, and has a correspond-
ingly-numbered lamp. When the lamp is lit, it indicates

that the corresponding sampling valve is open, see


tion 3.3

. The Analyzer/Waste Air lamps indicate which

way the internal 3 way valve is set, see

section 3.3


Temperature Sensors Input:

6 inputs suitable for use with the INNOVA Air Tempera-
ture Transducer type MM0034, Surface Temperature

Transducer MM0035 or Operative Temperature Trans-
ducer type MM0060.


3 lamps which indicate the function of the IEEE inter-

face. If the Listen lamp is lit, the 1309 is receiving in-
structions or data from the system controller. If the Talk

lamp is lit, the 1309 is outputting data. If the SRQ lamp
is lit, the 1309 has generated a Service Request, see

section 3.7

. Full details of the IEEE Interface are given in

Chapter 4
