Condec UPC5110 User Manual
Page 18

Maintenance and Service
UPC5100 Installation:
1. Lift the panel and chassis by first grasping the fill port fitting and test port.
2. Gently place panel/chassis assembly into enclosure. Ensure that the wire harnesses do not catch and
3. Align mounting holes and install the eight screws (PN 14862) that secure the panel assembly to the
UPC5110 Removal:
1. Verify that power toggle switch is in the OFF position. Loosen and remove the fourteen screws (PN
14862) from top, bottom, and sides that secure the panel assembly to the enclosure.
2. Lift the panel and chassis by grasping the handles located on the front of the rack mountable panel.
Ensure that the wire harnesses do not catch and snag.
3. Gently set the panel/chassis assembly on a bench top. It can be rested on the panel bottom and pressure
cylinder, with the panel tilted at an angle from its vertical.
UPC5110 Installation:
1. Lift the panel and chassis by grasping the handles located on the front of the rack-mountable panel.
2. Gently place panel/chassis assembly into enclosure. Ensure that the wire harnesses do not catch and
3. Align mounting holes and install fourteen screws (PN 14862) from top, bottom, and sides that secure the
panel/chassis assembly to the enclosure.
Nitrogen Cylinder Assembly (PN 59531) - Removal and Installation
Condec strongly recommends that the internal nitrogen supply cylinder be pressure-tested and re-certified
every five years from date cylinder was manufactured per U.S. DOT. 3AL Regulation, Title 49 CFR, parts 173 and 178.
Tools required:
7/16" open end wrench
Flat bladed screwdriver
1-1/8" open end wrench
3/8" open end wrench
A/R 1/4"-wide Teflon tape (PN 60575)
A/R 1/2"-wide Teflon tape (PN 60911)
tube of fluorinated grease (PN 55593)
snoop, bottle of liquid gas leak detector (PN 64781)
1. Vent any remaining nitrogen from cylinder to atmosphere. Disconnect power cord from power source.
2. Remove front panel from its enclosure as described in Section 4.2.1 and carefully set on a bench top.
3. Using a 7/16" wrench, remove all tubing sections from the cylinder.
4. Loosen the two mounting clamps from around the cylinder.
5. Remove the cylinder assembly.
6. If installing a new cylinder, remove the fitting/tee assembly and Teflon seal ring and inspect for any
damage. If no damage is present these items may be used in the new cylinder.
1. Install the Teflon ring seal (PN 59217), fitting (PN 59287), and branch tee (PN 59750) on the new
cylinder and tighten until snug. Prior to installation wrap two layers of Teflon tape on the pipe threads of
branch tee fitting. Also, place a small amount of Krytox grease on both sides of Teflon ring seal prior to
2. Mount the cylinder in the chassis making sure that the tee fitting is correctly oriented to accept tubing
sections and cylinder nameplate is legible.
3. Tighten the two clamps (PN 55250).
4. Install the tubing sections, tightening all fitting nuts 1/4 turn from finger-tight using a 7/16" wrench.
5. Fill the cylinder to approximately 1000 PSIG and check all fittings for leaks. If there are no leaks fill
nitrogen supply cylinder to maximum pressure. See Section 2.1 on page 4 for cylinder refilling
6. Install panel/chassis assembly in its enclosure as described in Section 4.2.1 on page 14.