Failback policy – Brocade Access Gateway Administrator's Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

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Enter the ag --failoverenable N_Port command to enable failover.

switch:admin> ag --failoverenable 13

Failover policy is enabled for port 13


Enter the ag --failoverdisable N_Port command to disable failover.

switch:admin> ag --failoverdisable 13

Failover policy is disabled for port 13

Enabling and disabling the Failover policy for a port group

The Failover policy can be enabled on a port group. Use the following steps to enable or disable the
failover on all the N_Ports belonging to the same port group.


Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.


Enter the ag --failoverenable -pg pgid command to enable failover.

switch:admin> ag --failoverenable -pg 3

Failover policy is enabled for port group 3


Enter the ag --failoverdisable -pg pgid command to disable failover.

switch:admin> ag --failoverdisable -pg 3

Failover policy is disabled for port group 3

Upgrade and downgrade considerations for the Failover policy

Consider the following when upgrading or downgrading Fabric OS versions:

Downgrading to Fabric OS v6.4.0 or earlier is supported.

Upgrading from Fabric OS v6.4.0 to v7.1.0 or downgrading from Fabric OS v7.1.0 to v6.4.0 will not
change failover settings.

Failback policy

The Failback policy provides a means for hosts that have failed over to automatically reroute back to
their intended mapped N_Ports when these N_Ports come back online. The Failback policy is an
attribute of an N_Port and is enabled by default when a port is locked to the N_Port.

Only the originally mapped F_Ports fail back. In the case of multiple N_Port failures, only F_Ports that
were mapped to a recovered N_Port experience failback. The remaining F_Ports are not redistributed.

For port mapping, the Failback policy must be enabled on an N_Port for failback to occur. For device
mapping, the Failback policy has no effect. If a device is mapped to a port group, it will always fail over
to an online N_Port in the port group (or secondary N_Port if configured) and will remain connected to
this failover N_Port when the original N_Port comes back online.

If failover and failback policy are disabled, an F_Port mapped to an N_Port will go offline when the
N_Port goes offline and it will go online when the N_Port comes online.

Enabling and disabling the Failover policy for a port group

Access Gateway Administrator's Guide

