Determining the status of a cid card, Table 16, Table 17 – Brocade VDX 8770-8 Hardware Reference Manual User Manual

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Brocade VDX 8770-8 Hardware Reference Manual



Determining the status of a CID card


Determining the status of a CID card

Each CID card has two serial EEPROMS (seeproms). One is the critical seeprom and the other is the
non-critical seeprom. Problems with the critical seeprom cannot be fixed with the CID Recovery
Tool. Only issues with the non-critical seeprom can be addressed.

Regular validation tests are run by the system comparing the CID cards to each other. If the
information is identical, then the chassis is operating correctly. Once a mismatch is detected, an
FFDC message is output to the RASlog. Refer to

Table 17

for possible messages.


Fan LED descriptions

LED purpose



Recommended action


No light
(LED is off)

Fan does not have power.

Ensure that the fan is firmly
seated and has power.

Steady green

Fan has power.

No action required.


No light
(LED is off)

Fan is either healthy or
does not have power.

Ensure that the fan has power.

Steady amber

Fan has a failure (full or

Replace the fan.


Messages that may indicate CID card problems

Error message


[EM-1020]...M1, ERROR ... A problem was found on
one or both CID cards (x), please run the CIDrecov
tool to get more information and recovery options.

Some kind of error or mismatch has
been detected in the CID card audit.

[EM-1021], ... M1, INFO, ... A CID card has been
inserted, a CID verification audit will be run to
detect any mismatches or other problems.

A second CID card is enabled and the
CID card audit will be run. If an error
is detected during the audit, an
EM-1020 message is generated.

[EM-1022], ... M1, WARNING, ... A CID card access
problem has been encountered, please run the
CIDrecov tool to get more information and recovery

An error is detected during normal
access to the CID cards; typically, one
of the cards is corrupted or