Programming a keyboard macro – Avocent DSView User Manual
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DSView Installer/User Guide
Programming a keyboard macro
If you require a key sequence that is not pre-programmed into the DS/DSR
appliance, you may add a macro by performing the following steps.
To add a macro:
1. From the Node Manager window, select Tools - Keyboard - Macros to add a
local macro.
- or -
From the DSAuth window, select Options - Keyboard Macros to add a
global macro.
2. A menu will appear listing the currently available macros. Click on the Add
button in the upper right-hand corner.
3. The Keyboard Macro Configuration menu will appear.
4. Enter a unique description for the macro in the Macro Description field.
5. In the Double-click for Key Press list, double-click the first keystroke of
your macro. This will move the keystroke to the Double-click for Key
Release list.
6. If this key needs to be released before the next keystroke is entered, double-
click the keystroke in the Double-click for Key Release list to move it to the
Macro Created list. If not, leave this key in the Double-click for Key Release
list at this time. Repeat step 5 with your next keystroke. When you have no
further keystrokes, proceed to step 7.
7. Now, double-click on the remaining commands, if any, under the Double-
click for Key Release list in the order in which you’d like them released
to move them to the Macro Created list. The Macro Created list will now
show the key sequence in the exact order that it will be performed by the
system. There should be no keys remaining in the Double-click for Key
Release list.
8. If you are creating a local macro, click OK to save the macro to the
local computer.
- or -
If you are creating a global macro, click the Save button to save the macro
to the DSAuth Server and any defined backup servers.