Avocent DSView User Manual
Page 16

DSView Installer/User Guide
3. When prompted to select a program to install, select Install DSAuthentication
Server. The software will check the Avocent web site to ensure you have the
latest version of the DSAuth Server software. If a newer version is found, it
will be automatically downloaded. The installation will then begin.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. Windows will determine if the Microsoft
Windows Installer Service is available. If it is not, Windows will install it
and reboot the system. Setup will automatically continue after the reboot.
5. Continue following the on-screen instructions. The session time-out value
will determine how long a DSView session can remain inactive before it is
automatically logged out. The default time-out is 15 minutes. Selecting Dis-
able inactivity timeout feature or entering a
will disable this feature.
6. The Installer will determine if the Microsoft
Data Access Components
(MDAC) need to be installed. If so, they will be loaded and the system will
reboot. Setup will automatically continue after the reboot.
7. When the DSAuth Server has finished installing, a system reboot is required.
To install using the DS Management Software downloaded
from Avocent:
1. Log on to the PC as Administrator.
2. Using your DS appliance’s installer/user guide and quick install guide,
download the DS Management Software from the Avocent web site (Go to
www.avocent.com and click the Support link. On the Technical Support
page, click the Product Upgrades link.).
3. Double-click on the executable downloaded from Avocent. The installation
will begin.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. Windows will determine if the Microsoft
Windows Installer Service is available. If it is not, Windows will install it
and reboot the system. Setup will automatically continue after the reboot.
5. Continue following the on-screen instructions. The session time-out value
will determine how long a session can remain inactive before it is auto-
matically logged out. The default time-out is 15 minutes. Selecting Disable
inactivity timeout feature or entering a
will disable this feature.
6. The Installer will determine if the MDAC components need to be installed.
If so, they will be loaded and the system will reboot. Setup will automati-
cally continue after the reboot.