Pro-Cut Warthog User Manual

Page 63

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If there is not enough material left the screen will turn red and a beep-
ing sound will warn you that the rotor is too thin and you will not be
able to proceed with the cut. If the screen is yellow this is a warning
to let you know that you are close to the minimum thickness allowed.
A green shaded screen means there is still enough material remaining.
Once you have determined that there is enough material remaining to make a successful cut, advance the cutting
head to the inside of the rotor where you will begin the machining process. Set your depth of cut by turning the
cutting head knobs clockwise to the desired depth. Each line on the knob represents .001” of depth. We suggest a
minimum cut depth of .004”, or 4 lines. Then tighten each cutting arm lock knobs, turn off the lathe motor, install
the chip deflector, position the shut off cam, depress the clutch knob and turn lathe motor back on to begin the cut.



If you want to save a record and print a report of a rotor which was too narrow, you
must make a short cut. Once the 'Cutting in Progress / Stop Cutting' is seen on screen,
turn off the motor or move the carbides away from the rotor to cease cutting. Then you
will be able to save the data as 'Failed'. A cut must be made to help prevent the use
of the Pro-Cut Gyr as a tool for fraudulent 'rotor was too thin to machine' OEM warranty
claims. A cut rotor allows for physical audit by OEMs for brake warranty claims. If we
did not require the cut, the tool arms could be set to any width and the customer or
OEM presented with (false) information that their rotor was too thin to cut.

Using the dial knobs on the cutting head make a light scratch on each side of the rotor while watching the live
thickness display on the screen.
Immediately press the “Mark” button in the lower left hand corner of the screen to save the beginning thickness
of the rotor. The remaining material that can be removed will be displayed in the lower right hand corner of the

NOTE "REMAINING -6.11mm" in screen capture to the right»