Pro-Cut Warthog User Manual

Page 52

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A properly set up and adjusted 50-1200 cutting head will provide smooth yet firm arm motion with minimal knob
backlash. If you are having difficulty turning the dials when the arm knobs are backed off, or if the dials turn very
easily then adjustments need to be made to the assembly. A poorly adjusted cutting head can cause poor rotor
surface finish.

The most common cause of poor dial feel is mis-adjustment of the tool arm gibs. Like the slideway gib adjustment
there is a nut and a set screw. The nut must be loosened and the set screw tightened to remove any play between
the arm and the arm guide, but it must also not be overly tight. The nuts are all-steel lock nuts, so they turn firmly.
Once the set screw is properly adjusted the lock nut must be tightened without disturbing the set screw position.
Adjust both arms until you have firm but smooth dial feel. If you have trouble with this procedure please contact
Pro-Cut's service department and we will be happy to help.