Pro-Cut Warthog User Manual
Page 50

PG /
To calibrate the thickness you must enter the same menu as you use to read the DRO Efficiency
numbers (see page 37). With the motor off, press and hold the Start button on until all of the lights
come on and then release it. Press the Start button multiple times until you see a screen that says
'H0.800' or 'H20.32' if in mm mode.
Before the lathe may be used to cut rotors, the slide scale and cutting head assembly must be calibrated.
This calibration procedure should be perfomed at least monthly, or any time the slide scale is removed
from the cutting head. It is not necessary to re-calibrate every time an insert is rotated, the inserts are very
precise and do not vary much. You should, however take care that the insert has not shifted or rotated in
its' pocket after tightening the tip screw.
Set the cailbration block with 0.800" / 20.32mm side between the tool arm carbides. It should be as
square as possible and just barely touching each carbide. If you have it set correctly, you will not be
able to rotate it except along the line formed by the two carbide inserts touching it. Be careful not to
over-tighten the carbides - they are harder than the calibration block and will damage it if carelessly
tightened, also over tightening may chip the carbide itself. When properly seated the calibration block
will 'hang' between the carbides. Please note that the gage block has one pair of sides which is NOT
0.800". If you are unsure, check with a digital caliper to make sure you use the correct faces when