Revision information, Revson informaton – Yokogawa Low Concentration (ppm) Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer OX400 User Manual
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IM 11M10B01-01E
Revson Informaton
: Model OX400 Low Concentration Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer [Style: S2]
Manual No. : IM 11M10B01-01E
May. 2011/3rd Edton
P 2-1, Some revision of output range description (auto range modified); P 2-4, Some revision of MS-
code description ("/F" changed to "/A" for activated carbon filter); P 2-5, Some revision of Consumable
(Parts for "/A" activated carbon filter added); P 2-9, Some revision of External Dimensions (for "/A"
activated carbon filter); P 3-4, Some revision of dimensions on Figure 3.3 (for "/A" activated carbon
filter); P 4-4, Some revision of Table 4.2 Range Marker (auto range modified); P 6-2, Some revision of
Auto Range description on subsection 6.1.1 (How to set range code modified); P 7-7 Some revision
of Subsection 7.4 "How to Replace Activated Carbon, Felt Filter, and Cotton Filter" (for "/A" activated
carbon filter); CMPL 11M10B01-02E, revised to 2nd edition (for "/A" activated carbon filter).
Nov 2010/2nd Edton (Style changed to S2)
P i INTRODUCTION, Caution mark added to Safety explanation; P 2-1, Some revision of aspirator
suction condition; P 2-2, Some revision of power supply and consumption; P 2-3, Some revision of
Conformance to Safety description (CSA certified); P 2-4, Some revision of MS-code description;
P 2-5, Some revision of Consumable (Parts for Line Filter added); P 2-6, Some revision of External
Dimensions (Ventiration holes modified); P 2-7 to P 2-8, Some revision of external dimensions (rear
panel modified); P 2-11, Some revision of Wiring Diagram (Caution for power cord modified); P 3-2
to 3-3, Some revision of dimensions on Figure 3.1 to 3.2 (Ventiration holes modified); P 4-2, Some
revision of Figure 4.2 (rear panel modified); P 4-3, Some revision of Figure 4.3 Wiring Diagram (Cau-
tion for power cord modified); P 4-5, Some revision of Figure 4.4 (rear panel modified); P 5-1, Some
revision of Flowmeter description (How to adjust modified); P 5-3, Some revision of Figure 5.3 (rear
panel modified); P 6-2, Some revision of Flowmeter description on subsection 6.1 (How to adjust flow
rate modified); P 6-14, Some revision of Flowmeter description on subsection 6.4 (How to adjust flow
rate modified, some revision of Figure 6.19); P 7-1 Some revision of Checking gas flow rate descrip-
tion on subsection 7.1; P 7-3, Some revision of Figure 7.1 (rear panel modified); P 7-5, Some revision
of sec. 7.3.2 Installing Sensor (rmarked line added to sensor assembly); P 7-8, Subsection 7.5 "How
to Replace the Line Filter" added; CMPL 11M10B01-02E for Style S2 newly published.
Jun. 2009/1st Edton
Newly published
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