Chapter 2 installation – ADTRAN XRT User Manual
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Express XR/XRT Quick Start Guide
Chapter 2. Installation
Chapter 2
This section describes how to connect the Express XR/XRT to a
PC and how to install the Express Configuration Wizard soft-
Verify Switch Settings
Dip switches 1 and 2 located on the rear panel of the Express
XR/XRT allow certain settings to be physically configured.
Figure 2-1 shows the location of the dip switches on the rear
panel of the unit.
The factory default position for all switches is down (On) during initial
SW 1:
Off (Up)
230.4 kbps
On (Down) =
Autobaud (speeds up to 115.2 kbps)
If switch 1 is set to the Off position, the unit is set to operate at a
DTE speed of 230.4 kbps. A special serial COM port using a
16650 UART is required while in this mode. If switch 1 is set to
the On position, the unit will automatically adapt to the DTE
rate (up to 115.2 kbps).
In order to configure the Express XR/XRT to operate at 230.4 kbps
with Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Dial-Up Networking, a new
modem must be added from the Modems icon in the Control Panel.
Enter the name for this new connection and select ADTRAN Express
or XRT 230.4 Kbps & 16650 UART. See the section Installing
Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking.