1 led indicators, Figure 1-3: led indicators, Table 1-3: led indicators – IEI Integration ECN-680A-H61 User Manual

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ECN-680A-H61 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

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1.5.1 LED In d ic a to rs

There are five LED indicator lights located along the front panel of the ECN-680A-H61

(Figure 1-3).

Figure 1-3: LED Indicators

The descriptions of each LED indicator are listed below.

LED In d ic a to r

De s c rip tio n


Shows power status.

Orange: Standby mode.

Blue: Power-on mode.


Shows HDD status.

CPU Temperature Alert

Blue: CPU temperature is normal.

Red: CPU temperature is too high.


Shows the power mode status. Controlled by the AT/ATX

power mode switch.

Table 1-3: LED Indicators