1 acpi settings, 2 rtc wake settings, Bios menu 3: acpi configuration – IEI Integration HYPER-KBN User Manual

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P a g e 52

5.3.1 ACP I S e ttin g s

The ACPI Settings menu (BIOS Menu 3) configures the Advanced Configuration and

Power Interface (ACPI) options.

Aptio Setup Utility – Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.


ACPI Settings

ACPI Sleep State

[S3 only(Suspend to…]


: Select Screen
↑ ↓: Select Item


+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F3: Optimized Defaults
F4: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit

Version 2.15.1236. Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.

BIOS Menu 3: ACPI Configuration

 ACP I Sle ep State [S 3 o n ly (Su s p en d to RAM)]

The fields in ACPI Sleep State option cannot be changed.

S3 only (Suspend

to RAM)



The caches are flushed and the CPU is powered

off. Power to the RAM is maintained. The

computer returns slower to a working state, but

more power is saved.

5.3.2 RTC Wa ke S e ttin g s

The RTC Wake Settings menu (BIOS Menu 4) configures RTC wake event.