4 internal peripheral device connections, 1 audio kit installation, Nternal – IEI Integration HYPER-KBN User Manual
Page 51: Eripheral, Evice, Onnections, Figure 4-2: audio kit cable connection

P a g e 39
4.4 In te rn a l P e rip h e ra l De vic e Co n n e c tio n s
This section outlines the installation of peripheral devices to the on-board connectors
4.4.1 Au d io Kit In s ta lla tio n
The Audio Kit that came with the HYPER-KBN connects to the audio connector on the
HYPER-KBN. The audio kit consists of three audio jacks. Mic-in connects to a microphone.
Line-in provides a stereo line-level input to connect to the output of an audio device.
Line-out, a stereo line-level output, connects to two amplified speakers. To install the
audio kit, please refer to the steps below:
S te p 1:
Locate the audio connector. The location of the 10-pin audio connector is
shown in Chapter 3.
S te p 2:
Align pin 1. Align pin 1 on the on-board connector with pin 1 on the audio kit
connector. Pin 1 on the audio kit connector is indicated with a white dot. See
Figure 4-2: Audio Kit Cable Connection