Vanguard CT-7500 User Manual
Page 11

Rev 2 Jan 2001
normally can not be seen using a volt meter.
Voltage reading range is 1.0-255 V dc.
3.4 Digital Voltage Input Results
The Digital Voltage Input channel (V2) monitors voltage on/off conditions and graphs the result.
A voltage level above 30Vdc is considered as “ON” condition. This input channel is dedicated to
monitor breaker’s auxiliary switch action during breaker’s operation.
Input voltage range is 1.0-300 V ac/dc.
3.5 Initiate Current Results
The CT-7500 not only plots Trip or Close current waveforms, but also prints steady-state
current readings of trip and close coils during operation.
1. If the CT-7500 initiates the OPEN test or CLOSE test under the Quick-Shot test, the test report
will show OPEN or CLOSE coil current reading and current wave form.
2. If the user operates the breaker for the Quick-Shot test (external trigger), no coil current reading
or waveform will be recorded.
3.6 Slow-Close Test
A slow-close test finds the contact touch distance and penetration by using the travel
transducer and dry contact channels.
4.0 Test-Results Graphics
4.1 Thermal Printer Graphic Printout
A 4.5” wide built-in thermal printer prints graphic waveforms of contact channels, travel curves,
and actuator-coil currents. With a zoom graphics mode, the user can select an enlargement by
specifying the timing zone.
4.2 Ink-Jet Printer Output
A color graphic report can be printed on the HP Ink-jet printer (supplied with each CT-7500).
The CT-7500 will print color graphics of contact channels, travel channels, current waveforms on
8½- by 11-inch paper.
5.0 Controls and Display
(See Figure 5-1 and Table 5-1.)
Before using the CT-7500 Analyzer, users should become familiar with all of its controls and
display indications. The keypad and display are used to operate the CT-7500 Analyzer. Figure 5-
1 shows the control panel and numbered lines pointing to each control and indicator. The line
numbers refer to Table 5-1, which describes the function of each control and indication.