Appendix a: cable deskewing, Figure 38 – startup of deskew wizard, Figure 39 – choice of deskew method – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-SAS3 User Manual

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There is an automatic cable deskew wizard built in to QPHY-SAS3. When the variable Test Mode is set to
Yes then deskew wizard will prompt the user before the making the first acquisition.

Note: Cables should be deskewed once the temperature of the oscilloscope is stable. The oscilloscope
must be warmed up for about twenty at least a half-hour before proceeding. This procedure should be run
again if the temperature of the oscilloscope changes by more than a few degrees.

Figure 38 – Startup of Deskew Wizard

If you press Yes the wizard will begin to step through the deskew process. There are two different options
for deskewing: use the MFTP from the DUT or use the Fast Edge from the oscilloscope.

Figure 39 – Choice of Deskew Method


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