Figure 27 - wdp results – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-SAS3 User Manual
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At this point that user should run the SASWDP script and enter the returned value in this dialog. By
entering this value, the result for the WDP test can be included in the test report provided by QualiPHY.
For more information refer to the How to run the SASWDP script section of this manual.
After the completion of this test the oscilloscope is in the following configuration:
Figure 26 - Oscilloscope Configuration after the WDP Test
Shown on this screen:
• F1 is the differential input waveform. This is calculated by subtracting the negative input waveform
from the positive input waveform.
• F2 is the resampled and interpolated waveform that has exactly 16 evenly spaced samples per UI.
This waveform is also averaged to reduce Rj. This is all done in accordance with the
specification. This waveform is saved in the required input format for the SASWDP script. This file
is saved in the D:\Waveforms\SAS3 directory on the oscilloscope.
Figure 27 - WDP Results
In the measure section:
• WDP (P1) is the value that was entered in the WDP dialog box. This should be the value that was
the output from the SASWDP script. This is the measured value for Tx-WDP (5.3.9). This value
must be less than 13 dB in order to pass this test.
• Patt Length (P3) is an output of the pattern length of the input waveform. This can be used to
ensure that a pattern of the appropriate length was sent from the device under test.
922545 Rev A