Gilderfluke&Co 'Dumb' Brick Animation Control System User Manual

Page 43

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Many of the following ÔbrickÕ commands are disabled when
operating in PC¥MACs mode.

b) Numbering System: This command is used to select which numbering system

will be used by the Micro Console. The numbering system
can also be selected using the ÔHex/decimal/percentÕ but-
ton on the front of the Micro Console. The numbering sys-
tems are:

HEXadecimal: Values are shown as Ô00hÕ to ÔFFhÕ
Decimal: Values are displayed as Ф0Х to Ф255Х
Percent: Values are displayed as Ф0Х to Ф100Х

c) VT-52 mode:

When this toggle is enabled, the Micro Console will use
special escape sequences to clear the current line
(ape 'l'), or position the cursor (ape 'Y' ROW
COLUMN). When disabled, the Micro Console has to redraw
the entire screen to change any value, so it can save a
good deal of screen redraw time if you have a compatible
display. Virtually all terminal programs will support VT-52 ter-
minal emulation.

d) DMX Checksums:

When this toggle is enabled, the Micro Console will insert a
sixteen bit checksum into the DMX-512 data it transmits
when it is operating in J6 mode. This checksum is used by
other Gilderfluke & Co. equipment to verify that no errors
were found in the transmitted data before it is used to up-
date their outputs. It should always be used if the Micro
Console is being used to control any Gilderfluke & Co.
Animation equipment.

e) Assignment Range: When assigning channels on the Micro Console you use

the analog input knobs on the front of the Micro Console.
These are eight bit resolution inputs, which can make them
a little hard to select any one channel accurately. This
command allows you to ÔlowerÕ the resolution of these in-
puts when making channel assignments. This is done by
limiting your selection range. You will need to set this ad-
justment to a point where you can still access all of the
channels you need to assign.

f) Dumb Bricks:

This toggle is used to tell the Micro Console that it has
Dumb Bricks attached to it. When ON, the Micro Console
will insert some extra delays when accessing the bricks, and
knows that it canÕt jump immediately to any brick frame as
it can when controlling Smart Bricks. This command is un-
available if ÔJ6 modeÕ is not selected.

g) Step Forward:

This command tells any Smart or Dumb Bricks to step for-
ward by one frame. The Bricks must be connected to the
Micro Console by the Smart Brick Network (for Smart Bricks)
or J8 (for Dumb Bricks) for this command to work. The
Dumb Brick must also be configured to accept start and
reset on its Green Input and External Clock on the Blue. This
command is unavailable if ÔJ6 modeÕ is not selected.

h) Step Backward:

This command tells any Smart Bricks to step backward by
one frame. The Smart Bricks must be connected to the
Micro Console by the Smart Brick Network for this com-
mand to work. This command is unavailable if ÔJ6 modeÕ is
not selected or the ÔDumb BricksÕ toggle is ON.



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